I arrive back in the U.S. after a 10-day international business trip and watch in horrified train wreck fascination as the Breitbart News Network implodes and starts sinking faster than the Titanic.
This whole painful saga started off with the Michelle Fields/Trump rally incident. Then you add in the mind-boggling part that her own company – Breitbart News refused to back her up and demanded that the rest of the employees throw her under the bus. One of the major reasons many now call the organization Trumpbart. In a short period of time reality sunk in and Ben Shapiro and Michelle Fields have resigned rather than bash their heads against a brick wall. As Cassy said, Ben’s resignation letter was epic indeed.
In response to that, what does Trumpbart do? They write a horrendously awful racist screed under Shapiro’s father’s name, and offer up one of the lamest excuses ever for their actions while scrambling to figure out how to make it disappear from the internet. Good luck with that.
Well, given that the train wreck has now morphed into a Titanic sinking of mega proportions; I can completely understand why others who work for Breitbart have now submitted their resignations and are walking…no they are running away as fast as they can.
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