Operation Trojan Horse: ISIS Plans to Cross Turkish Border as “Refugees,” Launch Attacks in Europe

Operation Trojan Horse: ISIS Plans to Cross Turkish Border as “Refugees,” Launch Attacks in Europe

In September, thousands of refugees fled Syria’s Kobane region into Turkey. And now ISIS is close to overtaking that strategic region—yeah, those airstrikes on the Khorasan Group, aka Al Qaeda Not-on-the-Run, are working great, General Obama—erecting its flag over the region, while reportedly closing in on Baghdad’s Green Zone. The Kurds, not surprisingly, are placing the blame for the loss of the territory squarely on the shoulders of one Barack Hussein Obama.

Kurd Tweet

If the shoe fits…

But that’s not the only disturbing news emerging from the conflict. As expected, the porous border between Syria and Turkey is not awash in only Syrian refugees, but ISIS terrorists hell bent on spreading their Death Cult to the West. Dubbed a “Trojan Horse” tactic, their plan is to carry out “devastating terrorist attacks” in Europe. From Mail Online:

“ISIS is plotting to smuggle militants into Western Europe disguised as refugees so that they can launch devastating terror attacks, according to US intelligence sources.

Encrypted communications unraveled by American military intelligence have revealed that Islamic State leaders are planning to take advantage of the ‘chaotic conditions’ on the Syria-Turkey crossing.

Relaxed border controls would allow IS militants to blend in with the thousands of genuine refugees spilling over the border in search of safety, reports International Business Times.”

And because hundreds of Syrian refugees pour into Turkey every day, ISIS fighters could easily blend right in, making their way through Turkey and into Europe unchecked, fake passports in hand, slaughtering “infidels” their single-minded goal. And given that much of Europe has embraced political correctness that tolerates the intolerable—just as the liberals in our own country are pushing so vehemently, placing us all in peril—the threat is very real. And just may cost them dearly.

ISIS terrorists plan to blend in with Syrian refugees crossing into Turkey, then make their way to Europe.
Kobane Map
ISIS looks to overtake the Kobane region, threatening new waves of massacres, seeking to push its caliphate into Turkey.

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