The Rage Of White Rural Voters Is The Real Threat To Democracy

The Rage Of White Rural Voters Is The Real Threat To Democracy

Forget the deplorables. What we have here is the REAL threat to our Democracy. Which is, drumroll please, the rage of the white rural voters.

TikTok Threats Create Real Life Chaos For Families

TikTok Threats Create Real Life Chaos For Families

Out of all the social media platforms, TikTok has proved to be the worst of the bunch.

Russia: Active Measures Continue to Target and Threaten America

Russia: Active Measures Continue to Target and Threaten America

A few weeks ago, I wrote that Russia was, is, and will continue to be a threat to the United States, and very little of said threat…

Is Russia a Threat? Not a Trick Question

Is Russia a Threat? Not a Trick Question

After President Trump’s disastrous gaffe/non-gaffe about believing Russia’s Vladimir Putin over his own national security apparatus and the subsequent retraction of those comments, the President seemed to…

It’s Official: Election 2016 Has Boarded the Crazy Train [VIDEOS]

It’s Official: Election 2016 Has Boarded the Crazy Train [VIDEOS]

The election is two days away, and the national psyche seems to be unraveling. Exhibit A: On Saturday night, Secret Service whisked Donald Trump off stage at…

Ben Shapiro Files Police Report Against Zoey Tur

Ben Shapiro Files Police Report Against Zoey Tur

Ben Shapiro has officially filed a police report on the violent threats he received while he was a guest on the Dr. Drew Show. The threats were made…

ISIS: Richest Terrorists in the World

$2 Billion and counting. Yes, that’s right ISIS has an estimated $2 Billion in funds. I don’t know about you, but the fact that they are that…

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Ava Gardner