Gersh Kuntzman: “God Bless America” Is Bad For Baseball [VIDEOS]

Gersh Kuntzman: “God Bless America” Is Bad For Baseball [VIDEOS]

The Gersh strikes again!! No really. As if his oh so “scawy” encounter with a wee little AR-15…which Jenny took apart so brilliantly here, here, and here wasn’t enough…now he’s decided that specific parts of our national pastime Must. Go. According to him its one strike and Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America” is OUT!!

It’s time for God to stop blessing America during the seventh-inning stretch.

Welcome to the July 4 holiday weekend — when once again, baseball fans will be assaulted by the saccharine-sweet non-anthem “God Bless America” at stadia all over this great land.

But no matter which home team you root, root, root for, “God Bless America” should be sent permanently to the bench.

Wait what? Boy howdy, this guy just really invites it doesn’t he? According to him, all the patriotic “God Bless America” renditions right after 9/11 weren’t immediately objectionable, that came later. Got it.

So this beautiful tribute by Diana Ross was fine.

But this isn’t?

Bernie Sanders’ Horrible, Awful Recording Released

Bernie Sanders’ Horrible, Awful Recording Released

We all cringed when we watched the videotaped exposés of the Planned Parenthood doctors haggling over the prices of fetal remains. Today we heard another horrible recording which…

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Ava Gardner