Will Dana Bash Ask The Tough Questions Of Kamala Harris And Tim Walz

Will Dana Bash Ask The Tough Questions Of Kamala Harris And Tim Walz

Well, the big interview that everyone has been anticipating is happening tonight. Actually, I heard it’s being recorded later today and will air tonight on CNN. The question is whether Dana Bash will ask the tough questions of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Obama Is Santa For Dictators

Yesterday, President Obama visited with our military while on vacation in Hawaii. Josh Lederman of ABC News elaborates: President Barack Obama marked the end of more than…

North Korea Loses Internet Access, No One Claims Responsibility Yet

After the Sony hacking was confirmed last week by the FBI to have been a targeted attack by North Korea, the White House said it was considering…

#SonyHack: Obama Calls Sony ‘Interview’ Decision a Mistake, Sony CEO Rebukes

#SonyHack: Obama Calls Sony ‘Interview’ Decision a Mistake, Sony CEO Rebukes

They say they had no choice but to shelve it because the major theaters had backed out of its release. And now they’re punching back at the…

North Korean Dictator 1 – Freedom of Speech 0

“The Interview”, a movie starring Seth Rogan and James Franco has been yanked from theatres. Why? Because of hack attacks and threats from North Korea and their…

The Sony Cyber Attacks and the Threat to Us All: So What Will Obama Do?

Who is responsible for hacking into the Sony Pictures computer systems? And what will the Obama administration do about the wider threat posed by this cyber terrorism?…

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Ava Gardner