Climate Change Hysteria Fuels Sri Lanka Collapse

Climate Change Hysteria Fuels Sri Lanka Collapse

 The collapse of Sri Lanka this week is due in part to climate change hysteria.

ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Is Not Dead

ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Is Not Dead

ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has popped his head up out of his spider hole long enough to shoot a video and warn the United States about…

Sri Lanka Update: Attack on Christianity? Maybe Not

Sri Lanka Update: Attack on Christianity? Maybe Not

After nearly a week of reporting trickling in via the media, I am beginning to suspect that the terrorist scum that murdered more than 300 people on…

Sri Lanka: Security Services Appear to Have Screwed Up

Sri Lanka: Security Services Appear to Have Screwed Up

It’s still too early to make an assessment about the details of did or did not happen before the horrific attacks on churches and hotels in Sri…

After Sri Lanka Bombings, The Left Fudges On Who Was Targeted

After Sri Lanka Bombings, The Left Fudges On Who Was Targeted

The scenes from Sri Lanka are just horrific and the death toll is beyond imagining. At least 290 people are dead in what looks to be a…

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Ava Gardner