Bernie Smells Blood In The Water, Goes After Hillary On Emails

Suddenly, with the poll numbers no longer such a sure lock for Hillary Clinton as they once were in Iowa, and the caucuses tonight, Bernie Sanders has…

Bernie Sanders’ Horrible, Awful Recording Released

Bernie Sanders’ Horrible, Awful Recording Released

We all cringed when we watched the videotaped exposés of the Planned Parenthood doctors haggling over the prices of fetal remains. Today we heard another horrible recording which…

Early Returns Show Greeks Voting Down Austerity Referendum

The socialist Syriza government of Greece is projecting that austerity referendum is being soundly rejected by the Greek people. Early returns in the historic referendum showed the…

Another Democrat Hat In the Ring: Bernie Sanders Will Run For President

The rumors were made official in an interview given to the Associated Press today – Bernie Sanders of Vermont, currently the only Independent in Congress, announced that…

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Ava Gardner