Sheriffs To Meet With Congressmen Tomorrow To Encourage Defunding Of Illegal Amnesty

According to Breitbart, and very few other media sources, 50 sheriffs from around the country will be “riding” into the outlaw town of Washington, D.C. on December 10th to demand the GOP block funding for HRH Barry Obama’s illegal amnesty memo. Perhaps these duly elected officials from counties across the nation will bring some law and order into play here. As reported back in November by NRO, Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson of Bristol County, Mass. organized this posse for a showdown with morally compromised and sullied politicians and are acting in the best interests of their constituents.

Sheriffs To Go To Washington To Say No To Illegal Amnesty

Sheriff Hodgson was quoted as saying:

“I think by the sheriffs going there in big numbers, it places an incredible amount of emphasis on the most important thing that is impacting us in the biggest way in our country across every spectrum of our society, from medical to economics to safety and national security, and that is secure the borders,” he says. “We don’t need people to sit down there in Washington and sort of intellectualize what they think is the right thing to do without listening to the people who are dealing with these problems day-in and day-out and know the problems intimately.”

He says the sheriffs will send the message that: “We are sick and tired of being marginalized in our ability to protect our citizens. We want the border secured. And until you do that, until you secure these borders, which you’ve been telling us since Day One, you will never ever have legitimate comprehensive immigration reform.”

While these sheriffs seem to have no comprehension issues when it comes to their understanding of their oaths of office to uphold the laws of the land and the Constitution, it appears that Senator Mitch McConnell’s and Rep. John Boehner’s perceptions are a bit murky and obtuse. Perhaps they didn’t get those marching orders back in November when Republicans were reelected in a landside fashion; not because the aforementioned former and latter were so immensely popular with the voters, but because we needed a Senate and House majority to do two things for us (let’s say it all together now):  To stop Obama’s executive illegal amnesty. To repeal Obamacare.

Well now that pivotal election is out of the way, here we see the McConnell and Boehner act start with their impotent hand wringing and crocodile tear whinging about their inability or more so, unwillingness-never-had-any-intention-to-implement, defunding language into any government funding bill. From Rollcall, McConnell had this to say about executive illegal amnesty and any immediate action taken:

“Well I can tell you for sure that what the president did after the election makes it unlikely that it is an early item for this conference. But no one believes the current immigration system is not broken,” McConnell told Roll Call. “At some point, I believe it would be appropriate to do something to secure the border and maybe to address other parts of the legal immigration system as well.”

Wow. At some point it would be good to secure the border? Or, maybe address “other” parts of the legal immigration system? Oh, he must mean that illegal part that he’s being so deliberately vague about. Does he truly think that the voters who put these turncoats back in office have such short memories and short attention spans that he can insult us all with such a vacuous remark? Does he truly think we’re on par with the Ferguson riffraff mob that shifts on whatever emotional hot wind that billows through their empty heads?

Not to be outdone by his traitorously complicit comrade, Boehner still appears to lack the cojones (though the American voting population lent him two VERY large ones) to be tough on defunding any illegal amnesty. On The DC Monday:

” In November, many GOP candidates ran against Obama’s amnesty — and won seats from several Democratic senators who voted for the Senate’s amnesty bill.

The winners included Senator-elect Rep. Bill Cassidy, who announced just before his Dec. 6 run-off win in Louisiana that he wants anti-amnesty language written into the 2015 bill.

Arkansas’ new Sen.-elect Tom Cotton also called for the public to dial legislators until Boehner allows the anti-amnesty language.

Boehner’s 2015 budget runs some risk of rejection because it does not include language that defunds Obama’s amnesty. That amnesty is very unpopular among the GOP’s primary voters and some swing-voters.

Median-wages have been flat since 2000, as roughly 600,000 working-age immigrants and 650,000 non-agricultural guest-workers arrive annually to compete for jobs against the 4 million Americans who enter the workforce each year.

Top GOP legislators, including Boehner, have denounced Obama’s amnesty, but have refused to add anti-amnesty language to the spending plan, despite the amnesty’s unpopularity. Boehner says that language would cause the Democrats to reject the budget, force a government “shutdown” and inflict a PR defeat on the GOP.”

Our good sheriffs will be meeting with a number of congressmen; including of course, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) who has been an unequivocally outspoken and staunch opponent against illegal amnesty. As reported by WND:

” We’ve got a challenge, but I think the American people get it. I think they are going to insist their voice will be heard,” predicted Sessions.

Sessions said it was known that government officials held some 20 meetings with business stakeholders hoping for amnesty, adding, “You know who’s not a stakeholder? You. John Q. Public.”

Sessions was introduced by Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, whose organization has broken numerous big developments in administration scandals involving the IRS, Benghazi, Obamacare and Fast and Furious gunrunning, as well as immigration.

Just last week, Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell told WND a government assertion that no terrorists had crossed the southern border into the country was “simply false” and provided details to the contrary.

In his introduction, Fitton noted the public doesn’t want amnesty, “but leaders of both parties do.”

He reminded listeners how Judicial Watch had published “story after story” exposing the Obama amnesty agenda and its inherent dangers.

Most pointedly, Fitton observed that amnesty was not about illegal aliens, it was about the illegal alien vote, and “the illegal alien vote is about stealing elections.”

He referred to a study he said showed that enough illegals voted in 2014 to give Obama a margin of victory in his re-election campaign. Illegals also provided enough votes to elect the 60th Democrat senator needed to pass Obamacare in the face of GOP opposition.”



We can thank the Good Lord we still have representatives like Senator Sessions and our honorable sheriffs across this nation standing in the “great divide” between American citizens and the corrupt political and corporate vultures that delight in feeding on our deeply wounded Republic. We should all join our sheriffs tomorrow in the good fight and call our Congressmen urging them to put defunding illegal amnesty language in any bill funding the Federal government; because it is in the interest of all American people, and it is abiding by the Rule-of-Law.

No Executive Amnesty: Sheriffs Plan Massive Gathering with D.C. Congressmen

No Executive Amnesty: Sheriffs Plan Massive Gathering with D.C. Congressmen

Just a week ago, the Democrat party experienced one of the worst red tidal waves in recent history. Not only was its majority wrested away in our…

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