sarah palin’s speaking power

apparently sarah palin’s first paid speaking engagement post-elective office will be in hong kong giving a keynote address at the ‘CLSA Investors’ Forum’ on september 23rd. this…

no palinbots, please

with all the hype this week, on blogs right and left, of sarah palin’s resignation (the smirks, the tears, the prognostications) i noticed something that i hope…

crazies for sarah palin

crazies for sarah palin

this is a fun palin video. count me in as one of the crazies. h/t beth

the resignation of sarah palin; sarah palin’s future plans

i’ve been a bit reluctant to write about sarah palin and the recent news of her resignation as governor of alaska. i suppose i needed to process…

john kerry’s sarah palin joke

why does john ‘reporting for duty’ kerry say these dumb things? you’d think after being excoriated on the campaign trail 6 years or so ago, he would…

sarah palin matt lauer today interview

the ‘extremely naive’ matt lauer got his ears pinned back this morning over the letterman ‘jokes’ by saracuda. by the way, sarah palin was also tough on…

sarah palin, david letterman, and decency

sarah palin, david letterman, and decency

if david letterman had referred to a female democratic politician as he did to sarah palin, then joked about her fourteen-year-old daughter being raped, liberal heads would…


a tale of two sneakers: one pair cost $500 and were worn to a homeless shelter; the other pair worn on the run, inbetween speeches. what? maybe…

sarah rocks missouri!

they were fired up to see sarah palin today in missouri! according to the state police the crowd estimated at 17,000-18,000 people. interestingly, joe biden had a…

wink, wink

wink, wink

new team sarah ad in response to the one’s slam of sarah palin.

‘she was perfectly lovely’

coolio. tina fey on conan. she’s said nasty things in the past but actually says nice things now about sarah palin. see? to know sarah is to…

fun bumper sticker

my cotillion sister, sam, saw this bumper sticker at her local grocery store and snapped a picture. take that peggy noonan!

campaigning with sarah

campaigning with sarah

sarah palin is in florida this weekend and she good support for sean hannity and elizabeth hasselbeck. i like elizabeth’s comments about sarah’s accessories… like her flag…

team sarah

team sarah

i’ve joined team sarah… have you? janine turner (from tv show, Northern Exposure) is part of team sarah too. listen to her thoughts on sarah palin: i…


are you pro-life and still an undecided voter? go check this out and be sure to watch the video. sarah chose life.

demonizing sarah

as if we needed more evidence of palin derangement syndrome… and we can thank the ultra-partisan left wing ny dems for this ‘lovely’ piece of art.

moonbat smackdown

have you seen this? apparently a garden blend of leftard loons, anarchists, anti-capitalists, and of course those who suffer from palin derangement syndrome also know as ‘obamathugs’…

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Ava Gardner