A Slip, a Rip and a Trip into Democratic Madness

A Slip, a Rip and a Trip into Democratic Madness

Let’s face it. The presidential race is President Trump’s to lose. Even with the media firmly in the Democrats’ hip pocket, it will take a great deal for him to stumble hard enough for them to pick up the win they’ve been longing for since 2016. The potential of that becoming a reality seems even less likely after this weekend. Between Fumbling Joe Biden, Hootin’ & Hollerin’ Howard Dean, not to mention the DNC and the media, you have to wonder why anyone would even consider voting Democrat this election.

Super Tuesday Fallout

Super Tuesday Fallout

For the past week, we’ve been bombarded on all sides by the liberal media hooting and hollering about how Super Tuesday would set the stage for Donald…

Pick your poison?  Trump, Sanders and Hillary

Pick your poison? Trump, Sanders and Hillary

Pick your poison. All three so called front runners are more toxic than a barrel of ricin. Hillary is enmeshed in scandal after scandal , Sanders is…

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Ava Gardner