About Those Costumed Soldiers in Portland

About Those Costumed Soldiers in Portland

Lucian Truscott, IV, a direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson, has written a column for Salon.com in which he denigrates President Donald Trump, but that’s par for the course, right? What’s galling about his column is the condescension and derision he heaps upon the agents from the Department of Homeland Security sent in to secure Federal property. He derides them as Halloween costumed soldiers.

Let’s Make Men Great Again

Let’s Make Men Great Again

Now, that Donald Trump is going to “Make America Great Again” the next step will be to “Make Men Great Again”. Since the totally metrosexual Barack H….

Salon Promotes “Virtuous Pedophiles” [VIDEO]

The online magazine Salon has tried to normalize pedophilia before. And now they are at it again. This time, they have once again brought back Todd Nickerson,…

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Ava Gardner