I’m White, You’re Black: Get Over It

I’m White, You’re Black: Get Over It

The Left is the most race-obsessed pseudo-ideology since Nazism

The faux high-dudgeon over nutburger Roseanne’s racist tweet (and when wasn’t she a nutburger?) and unseemly glee over her show being cancelled is just another round in the Maolings game of identity politics.

And, of course, the same Maolings are blaming President Trump for Roseanne’s unacceptable tweet.

ABC, the American Biased Broadcasting Company

ABC, the American Biased Broadcasting Company

Yesterday, ABC cancelled Roseanne after an ill-conceived, ill-received and decidedly unfunny tweet. The fallout from the tweet, seen below, was swift and ABC’s response was probably the…

CNN Opinion: What “Roseanne” Better Be Worried About

CNN Opinion: What “Roseanne” Better Be Worried About

CNN’s at it again. Throwing in jabs about the latest re-boot of Roseanne. Why? Well, because Barr supported Trump, of course.

Roseanne’s Sandra Bernhard Disses Trump’s Women Voters. [VIDEO]

Roseanne’s Sandra Bernhard Disses Trump’s Women Voters. [VIDEO]

If you’re a has-been actress with a face that would make a freight train take a dirt road, how would you reignite your career? By insulting half…

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Ava Gardner