Government Hog Overspending Is Strangling US

Government Hog Overspending Is Strangling US

The headline of the “” article is enough to make you choke on your bacon: “Feds Collect Record Individual Income Taxes Through May; Still Run $532.2B Deficit”. That ginormous hog known as government overspending is strangling the life out of us. Us as in you and me and the entire U.S. of A.

Trump Tweets Are Big Money For Twitter [VIDEO]

Trump Tweets Are Big Money For Twitter [VIDEO]

I think it is safe to say that a majority of Americans would prefer it if President Trump would put the Twitter down and back away. In…

Salon Promotes “Virtuous Pedophiles” [VIDEO]

The online magazine Salon has tried to normalize pedophilia before. And now they are at it again. This time, they have once again brought back Todd Nickerson,…

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Ava Gardner