Crisis And Terror In Europe? Time To Golf For Obama! [VIDEO]

Crisis And Terror In Europe? Time To Golf For Obama! [VIDEO]

Lame duck President Obama is on his last taxpayer-funded Hawaiian vacation for Christmas. As we were relentlessly reminded during the campaign, the office of the Presidency requires focus, attention, and the ability to take emergency phone calls at 3 am. Unless you are Obama, in which case – screw it all! It’s time to golf!

Nope, I’m not kidding. A Russian ambassador is assassinated, people have been run over with a truck in Berlin (following in the footsteps of the attack in Nice and the attempted attack at Ohio State University), but this president has mentally checked out. Nothing is going to take him away from his precious taxpayer-funded golf time in Kailua. (Video is from two years ago – clearly, this is a favorite golf course.)

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Ava Gardner