Clinton Ad Mocks Donald Trump’s Refusal To Release Tax Returns. Pot Meet Kettle [VIDEO]

Clinton Ad Mocks Donald Trump’s Refusal To Release Tax Returns. Pot Meet Kettle [VIDEO]

Sometime last night, maybe around 3 a.m…. Hillary Clinton released her latest attack ad against Donald Trump.

Well, I do have to admit that the question is valid. Trump is doing a massive tap dance complete with a few somersaults in order to avoid A. answering questions about whats in his tax returns and B. answering yes or no as to if he’ll definitely release them or not.

Hillary? Let me just say…. Pot meet Kettle.

Hillary’s Emails Matter: Reveal Disturbing Inability To Function

Hillary’s Emails Matter: Reveal Disturbing Inability To Function

In an op-ed for FoxNews, Paul Goldman, the former chair of Virginia’s Democrat Party, put forth an interesting premise regarding his pal Hillary Clinton. His argument boils…

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Ava Gardner