Kyrsten Sinema Cartoon Shooting Down Fighter Pilot McSally Backfires

Kyrsten Sinema Cartoon Shooting Down Fighter Pilot McSally Backfires

In Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema (D) is running for U.S. Senate against Congresswoman Martha McSally (R-AZ). Both candidates are looking to fill Jeff Flake’s (D-AZ) vacant seat.

Brett Kavanaugh: Justice Delivered

Brett Kavanaugh: Justice Delivered

Brett Kavanaugh is finally a member of the U.S. Supreme Court. The only thing sweeter than hearing the rending of garments and the lamentations of pussyhatted females…

We Come to Bury John McCain, Not to Praise Him

We Come to Bury John McCain, Not to Praise Him

I don’t know about you, but I’m sure tired of hearing from Democrats about how much they admired John McCain. Not one of them would be able…

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Ava Gardner