Why The Podium Pick For Biden In The Presidential Debate?

Why The Podium Pick For Biden In The Presidential Debate?

I’ve got a really bad feeling about this debate. The first 2024 Presidential Debate is planned for next Thursday, June 27, 2024. Spidey senses are tingling, hairs standing up on my neck. It’s not just that the debate is on CNN with Dana Bash and Jake Tapper as moderators. The debate is all kinds of messed up with no audience and a mute button. Then, yesterday Biden’s team won the coin toss and picked podium choice over the last word. My body is in the flight or fight mode.

Debate Preview: How Low Is The Bar Set? [VIDEO]

Debate Preview: How Low Is The Bar Set? [VIDEO]

Tonight is the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The race, which is currently a statistical dead heat, will most likely get a bit of…

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Ava Gardner