Gentle Reminder: Bowe Bergdahl is NOT a Victim!

Gentle Reminder: Bowe Bergdahl is NOT a Victim!

I guess it’s en vogue these days to make really crappy life decisions, suffer the inevitable consequences, and then blame everyone else for your plight. We’ve seen it with Chelsea Manning, we’ve seen it with repugnant sexual predator Anthony Weiner, and we’re now seeing it with Hollygrope rapist Harvey Weinstein.

The latest snowflake refusing to take responsibility for his own actions and waving around his victim dick is Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, who pleaded guilty today to charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy in a military proceeding at Ft. Bragg. In case you’re wondering what a “victim dick” is, it’s when someone figuratively drops trou and waves around his little winky, drawing attention to his victim status. “HEY! LOOK AT MY VICTIM DICK! MY VICTIM DICK IS OUT, SEE?” (Much thanks to a buddy on social media who suggested this turn of phrase.)

In an interview aired by Good Morning America today, Bergdahl sniveled that it was “insulting” that he’s being portrayed as a traitor. You got that, boys and girls? The traitorous little prick is offended that after walking away from his duty station, hooking up with the enemy, causing the deaths of and grave injuries to several fellow service members, and finally being exchanged for five terrorist Taliban scum, who are running around, no doubt planning more attacks on Americans, poor little Bowe is offended at the “traitor” moniker!

Let’s remind ourselves, shall we, what that shit gibbon actually did.

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Ava Gardner