harry reid’s grope, nancy pelosi’s eyeroll

harry reid’s grope, nancy pelosi’s eyeroll

who cares what these two loons are saying, it’s what they’re doing that is so much fun! frankly, it says a lot about their working relationship when…

nancy pelosi wept

oh nan! such great political theatre if it weren’t such a disgusting display of your grand partisan lameness. it is so clear that the democrats no longer…

nancy pelosi:  ‘she looks like the joker!’

nancy pelosi: ‘she looks like the joker!’

crowder again. heh. ‘the dark pelosi’ by steven crowder waterboarding pelosi?? well, i’m open to it i guess. 😉

more on nancy pelosi lies  (video)

more on nancy pelosi lies (video)

‘i wasn’t in that briefing, i was just informed.’ nancy pelosi lies it’s almost like a bad comedy — all the sweating and the stammering? yep, it’s…

nancy pelosi’s pants on fire

liar liar pants on fire. is she up to the 5th different waterboarding version by now? every week it seems nancy pelosi has a slightly different tale…

nancy pelosi: lying maroon

if anyone had a serious thought that there could actually be something called a ‘truth commission’ on torture held by The One’s administration, nancy pelosi and her…

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Ava Gardner