Thousands of women ditched their jobs and responsibilities to protest . . . whatever it is they’re upset about. Most likely Trump, Trump, and Trump. Did I mention Trump?
Across the nation, events were happening like this one in New York:
Are you curious as to how This Woman spent her Day Without a Woman?
I worked.
I didn’t have to. I work part time as a contract speech pathologist, providing speech therapy through a local agency. As such, I set my own schedule, determine my own patients, and can take time off whenever I want. It’s the best job I’ve ever had.
However, Wednesday is my busiest day, so it would have been irresponsible for me to lose a chunk of money simply to stand with the Sisterhood, or whatever. My family, you see, is more important.
It’s also my day to serve military families at our office near Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas.
Leavenworth is quite a distance from my home, so I travel there only twice per week. However, since I never served in the military, I find it an honor to provide speech therapy to the young children of our military families. It’s my way of giving back. So I felt responsible to these families as well as my own.

Guess who else was there?
All the other female speech pathologists, occupational, and physical therapists with whom I work in that office. I don’t know what their politics are, and I don’t care. We all have our jobs to do, and that’s to serve those who serve the nation.

And guess who else showed up?
Every one of my little patients, brought to the office by their mothers. Those moms didn’t stay home either. They faithfully kept their children’s regular appointments as they always do, week after week.
The Day Without a Woman was just another day at the rehab office. And I left that office happy to have contributed in my own small way to those families who serve.
On this day of remembrance, the Victory Girls would like to debut our new feature – the Victory Girls Podcast. Today’s podcast is in honor of September…
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