Red Flags Fly Regarding U.S. Spec Ops Colonel And Chechen Trespassers In North Carolina

Red Flags Fly Regarding U.S. Spec Ops Colonel And Chechen Trespassers In North Carolina

There are many red flags surrounding the reports of a U.S. Special Operations Colonel confronting trespassers and shooting one of them. Specifically that the trespassers have been identified as Chechen nationals. 

Chinese Have Tried To Access Military Bases Over 100 Times

Chinese Have Tried To Access Military Bases Over 100 Times

It isn’t just Chinese balloons that are raising concerns of espionage, it is the so-called Chinese “tourists” who’ve managed to get onto military bases and other federal…

Chelsea Clinton, meet the facts

Chelsea Clinton, meet the facts

Following in the footsteps of so many great Democratic mouthpieces — the national media, Rosie O’Donnell and Chelsea Handler, just to name a few — Chelsea Clinton…

Are Fitness Apps Highlighting US Bases?

Are Fitness Apps Highlighting US Bases?

In an era where we are beginning to reach “Star Trek” levels of voice commands to our computers, it behooves everyone who utilizes these devices to do…

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