Mark the date and time! I do believe this is the first person to crack on his support of Donald Trump. On Friday, Michael Savage, conservative radio personality said he would withdraw his support for the Teflon Don unless he “disavows” the extramarital affair smear on Ted Cruz published by the National Enquirer.
On his Savage Nation radio show, Savage declared:
the Enquirer story falsely alleges Cruz carried on five extra-marital flings – charges Cruz refutes as “garbage.”
And, Savage charges, Enquirer owner American Media Inc.’s CEO David Pecker, is a “close friend” of Trump, “flies to Florida on Trump’s private jet” and is “personally involved in the anti-Cruz stories.”
“This is assassination by innuendo,” Savage says of the Enquirer bombshell. “I supported Trump, and probably still will, but if he won’t disavow this guy Pecker and this story I may withdraw my support…. I am not going to support anyone who engages in assassination by innuendo.”
Savage said he’s not blaming Trump for the story, but warns: “If he finds outs that this Pecker is involved, he should get rid of this connection because this is not going to help him at all.”
The owner of the Enquirer is David Pecker. But why would there be any whiff of impropriety on the part of Trump in this sordid attack? Well, it’s not as if Donald Trump doesn’t know the people involved at the National Enquirer. In fact, he knows Pecker very well, has known him for years, and has allegedly had a working relationship with him (supposedly Trump has dumped stories at NE in the past, to his own advantage). At any rate, I am sure this long standing relationship is the reason this clever hashtag has taken hold: #TrumpLovesPecker.
The Hilariously Immature #TrumpLovesPecker Turns Into Big Twitter Trend
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) March 25, 2016
— Tim Miller (@Timodc) March 25, 2016
@BradThor I stopped but my cat walked across my keyboard & randomly typed #TrumpLovesPecker, then #TrumpLovesPecker AGAIN. What're the odds?
— Mark Tapson (@MarkTapson) March 26, 2016
WOW! Pecker looks YUGE in Trump's tiny hands. #TrumpLovesPecker
— thetreyman (@thetreymanhere) March 26, 2016
Internet supporters of tycoon Donald Trump embrace "#TrumpLovesPecker" banner, celebrating his kindness to chickens and other domestic fowl.
— DPRK News Service (@DPRK_News) March 26, 2016
#TrumpLovesPecker “I love Pecker more than anyone has ever loved Pecker, believe me, believe me. We will have so much Pecker, believe me!”
— Harold Itzkowitz (@HaroldItz) March 26, 2016
I would never put anyone on the spot and ask them if #TrumpLovesPecker. That #TrumpLovesPecker is Trump's business.
— Phineas Fahrquar (@irishspy) March 26, 2016
Thank you David Pecker and The National @NatEnquirer .#TrumpLovesPecker
— Harriet Baldwin (@HarrietBaldwin) March 26, 2016
I'm not saying that #trumplovespecker. #lovewins
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) March 25, 2016
. @ArthurSchwartz @TheRickWilson @VJMachiavelli
I'm told a picture is worth a thousand words… #TrumpLovesPecker
— Rob 'NZ' Neppell (@rneppell) March 26, 2016
Who is the glorious bastard that authored this immaturity? I’d like to shake his non-Trump sized hand. Well done Patriot.
I’m embarassed that this guy is on our side. He’s got more in common with the Krazy Kos Kids than conservatives. Things like this are why I’m…
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