I’ll just bluntly say this, no holds barred: If you’re a Donald Trump supporter, you’re keeping company with some of the scummiest people to ever hurl invectives from behind a laptop.
Fox News contributor Mary Katharine Ham, whose husband Jake Brewer, as you may remember, was killed in a biking accident just last fall, wrote an admiring article for The Federalist on Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump’s talented and lovely eldest daughter. It was entitled “Ivanka Trump Is Everything Donald Wants To Be But Is Not,” and featured a beautiful picture of Ivanka in the header.
So Mary Katharine Ham linked it to her Twitter account, Ivanka photo and all.
Ivanka Trump is everything Donald wants to be but isn't: https://t.co/R7Gps906Z9
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) April 7, 2016
The tweet roused the ire of Donald Trump’s bottom-dwelling Brown Shirts, who took to their computers to viciously fire off some sadistic responses to the recently widowed Mary Katharine Ham.
It’s time for 24/7 Wall Street’s annual rankings of the best- and worst-run states in the country. The best-run? In order, North Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Utah, and…
Attacking his positions in his own words. Thanks, Mary Katharine Ham! Have you voted yet? Make sure you do, and keep this tool out of office. PLEASE….
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