Missouri Senator Who Hopes For Trump’s Assassination Refuses To Resign [Video]

Missouri Senator Who Hopes For Trump’s Assassination Refuses To Resign [Video]

Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal is, rightfully so, taking heat from all sides of the political spectrum for her Facebook post yesterday. Why? This is why:

“I hope Trump is assassinated!” Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, wrote during a morning Facebook exchange, referring to Republican President Donald Trump.

Yes, she really did write that. She really, really did. And people got a screen shot of her, now deleted, comment.

Needless to say, it’s a fair bet that the Secret Service is not amused. Nor are Missouri lawmakers on both sides of the aisle who have issued calls for her resignation. 

Ferguson Protests Continue: National Guard Called In, Eric Holder Arriving Wednesday

Ferguson Protests Continue: National Guard Called In, Eric Holder Arriving Wednesday

Seems Mr. Obama is getting a taste of his own nontransparent medicine. In Ferguson, Missouri, Governor Nixon, without informing Dear Leader, has called in the National Guard…

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