There is a saying the left has been howling from the rooftops since November 9th: “Love Trumps Hate.” Sounds loving and affirming and inclusive, right? Well in practice it is something quite different. November 9th started a new spate of marches and screaming and what can only be described as tantrums from the losing side in a nasty election. Then there are performers who wanted to work the Inaguration. Like, loathe or despise the President elect all you want but this is a venue and artists are supposed to be able to perform for anyone they want, right? Well that would be a no. Note the expression on the faces of the howling mob of marchers is anything but loving and affirming and inclusive. Psychology Today has a nice article about the inconsistent message from the left here. And it gets better and better.
Jennifer Holliday backed out of singing at a concert for the inauguration per the LA Times for reasons listed here
Holliday, best known for her Tony-winning role in Broadway’s “Dreamgirls,” faced pressure from her gay, lesbian and black fans when it was announced she would sing at a Thursday concert at Washington’s Lincoln Memorial.
A concert. Singing at this concert is now verboten. Even if the concert is for you know the people.
“I didn’t see it as singing for Trump; I saw it as singing for the people on the mall,” Holliday told the AP.
After several of their email accounts were hacked by someone with an online alias of “Guccifer,” personal photos and sensitive correspondence from members of the Bush family,…
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