Leave the Leggings at Home and Let’s Dress Better When We Fly [VIDEO]

Leave the Leggings at Home and Let’s Dress Better When We Fly [VIDEO]

It may be the biggest non-story of the year. But folks are still kvetching about the United Airlines leggings story.

Nina put the controversy to rest yesterday when she pointed out bare facts about the leggings ban. It applied only to family members flying free on a pass.

That didn’t stop the cackling harpies on the View from jumping into this kerfuffle with inaccuracies. But of course, it’s all about body shaming! Anti-female policy! It’s interesting that Whoopi Goldberg is the voice of reason here.

Pastor Hans Fiene at the Federalist drives into the opposite lane to shame us all. We’re all guilty of being slobs on flights. And we need a little introspection here:

We Americans, you see, have developed a bad habit of dressing like slobs while flying, and it’s high time we experience some national shame over this.

Ouch. But he’s right.

Yes, the seats are cramped, the arm rests minuscule, and the pull-down trays shaky. The soft drinks and snacks are minimal, too. Why should we dress up for that?

And that’s your reward after you’ve run the TSA gauntlet. Many of us have had run-ins with some power hungry martinets there, and that includes me.

Shannon Watts Whines About United Airlines Leggings Controversy She Started [VIDEO]

Shannon Watts Whines About United Airlines Leggings Controversy She Started [VIDEO]

Twitter burst into flames yesterday after Shannon Watts of anti-gun group Moms Demand Action tweeted these little gems. Not only did Twitter go ape, but major media…

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