Russia Goes Into Foreign Debt Default, Begins Whining

Russia Goes Into Foreign Debt Default, Begins Whining

This is more of a “losing face” moment, than an actual real financial crisis for Russia. They’re already in the middle of one of those.

Embassy In Kyiv Should Reopen, Says Senators

Embassy In Kyiv Should Reopen, Says Senators

When history looks at the Battle/Siege of Kyiv, it will be declared a win for Ukraine – which was contrary to all popular opinion at the time.

Putin: Is His Power Crumbling in Moscow and Ukraine?

Putin: Is His Power Crumbling in Moscow and Ukraine?

Dare I say it? Is Vladimir Putin finally circling the toilet bowl of history?

Russia Goes War Crimes: Attacking Ukrainian Cities

Russia Goes War Crimes: Attacking Ukrainian Cities

Frustrated with its inability to subdue Ukrainian resistance, Russia has turned to attacking cities — and with it — civilians.

Putin Invades Ukraine. Thanks a Lot, Joe Biden.

Putin Invades Ukraine. Thanks a Lot, Joe Biden.

The world has been waiting for days, wondering when Vladimir Putin would send Russian forces into Ukraine. Some even doubted that he would do so. But on…

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Ava Gardner