New Jersey Next on the Gun Confiscation Train

New Jersey has become the latest in a string of states with gun confiscation bills in the legislature.  This bill reduces allowable magazine capacity from 15 to…

SOFREP on Ukraine and Other Quick Stories

Today we have a whirlwind tour of What The Media Isn’t Bothering To Care Much About. – SOFREP explains all the layers to the Ukraine issue and…

NSA and GCHQ Collect Millions of Yahoo Webcam Images

Bruce Schneier wrote a must read piece for the Guardian explaining why the NSA heads feel comfortable lying to the American people about their surveillance program.  Turns…

5 Websites You Need to be Reading

The internet is a big place.  Billions of websites abound on every subject imaginable.  It’s easy to get caught up in reading about celebrities or yappy feminists…

Disengaging From the Matrix, Part 2: TrueCrypt

NOTE: I’ve gotten a few emails from readers who have concerns that “If I stop using Google/Yahoo/Apple software, I won’t be able to do ____.”  That’s not…

Taliban Suspends Talks About POW Bowe Bergdahl and Weekend Links!

Bowe Bergdahl, in case you’re not aware, is a United States soldier who has been held as a POW by the Taliban since being captured in 2009. …

3 Reasons Why You Don’t Get to Whine About Ted Nugent

Last month, Ted Nugent called Obama a “Chicago communist-raised, communist-educated, communist-nurtured subhuman mongrel … ACORN community organizer gangster.”  This week, he’s being attacked—and so is the guy…

Super Creepy Phone App Lets Strangers Listen in to Your Phone

There’s a new app for your phone called CrowdPilot, and it may be even creepier than anything the NSA is doing.  Billed as something that can help…

Why You Should Be Using DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo, the anti-Google answer, did 1 billion queries last year. They’ll do several times that this year.  They’re the one search engine you should be ditching Google…

Michelle Obama in Tonight Show Skit with Will Ferrell and Jimmy Fallon in Drag

Michelle Obama in Tonight Show Skit with Will Ferrell and Jimmy Fallon in Drag

As if the First Lady isn’t ridiculous enough just by generally opening her mouth, she appeared on the Tonight Show last night with Will Ferrell and Jimmy…

Climate Change Will Cause More Rapes, Says Study

A new study claims that “global warming will trigger more crimes including murders and rapes over the next century, with social costs estimated to run as high…

DHS Wants to Build a Database of License Plate Locations

UPDATE:  Apparently DHS has now canceled their plans for the nefarious database.  Good riddance.  They’ll just do something else unconstitutional instead. — The ACLU reported in 2012…

Obama Administration to Put Government Personnel in Media Newsrooms

Thomas Jefferson once said that our liberty depends on freedom of the press.  Perhaps the Obama administration agrees, and that’s why the federal government is assigning government…

Netflix is Another Company Watching You

If you’re a Netflix subscriber, chances are apparently almost 1 in 5 that you watched at least one episode of House of Cards on Friday.  How would…

Capital One Stalks Customers—Legally

The commercials say “What’s in your wallet?”, but customers of Capital One are finding that what they’re carrying is a permission slip for their credit card company…

Facebook Knows Your Relationships Better Than You Do

As if Facebook wasn’t invasive enough, now comes this article about how they’re mining data about your relationships.  Seems like the phrase “Facebook official” has a whole…

Results of The Day We Fought Back and Weekend Links!

On February 11, Victory Girls was one of over 4,500 websites that participated in a mass protest against NSA surveillance programs.  We are happy to report that…

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Ava Gardner