Three writers from Politico have gifted us with an article entitled “The Education of Donald Trump”. The writers are Josh Dawsey, Shane Goldmacher and Alex Eisenstadt, two of whom met with the President in the Oval Office. It is clear that these writers did not educate themselves on the President for this lengthy article. Indeed, it seems they could have written much of it without ever setting foot on White House grounds.

The following quote is from a UPI article October 10, 1981:
In the other story, the Wall Street Journal reported a private discussion about political and governmental affairs among a group of prominent Democrats at the home of Mrs. Averell Harriman had been taped in September.
According to the story, former Defense Secretary and Democratic presidential adviser Clark Clifford called President Reagan ‘an amiable dunce’ whose policies will be ‘a hopeless failure.’
President George H. W. Bush is known for two things: “Read my lips, no new taxes,” and throwing up in the lap of the Japanese Prime Minister.
The Mirror UK from January, 2009 has this gem about George W. Bush:
Perhaps the great mystery of George Bush is this: he was not only stupid, but empty.
The very worst forces of America – warmongers, religious nutters, and raving nationalists – swarmed around him and painted their fantasies on his blank canvas.

It is without doubt that Democrat Presidents walk into the office of the President of the United States with god-like qualities. Democrat presidents pronouncements are drops of golden wisdom splashed on the ignorant unworthies in flyover country who are unable to appreciate the greatness of these men.
What did the writers glean about the education of Donald Trump in his first 100 days in office?
1. Being President is harder than he thought (read that with a whiny tweenage voice):
Finally, he rattled off the biggest hits of his first three months and promised more to come.
It was classic Trump: Confident, hyperbolic and insistent on asserting control.
But interviews with nearly two dozen aides, allies, and others close to the president paint a different picture – one of a White House on a collision course between Trump’s fixed habits and his growing realization that this job is harder than he imagined when he won the election on Nov. 8.
2. Trump is an old man with fixed habits and ideas:
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