Cruz Has Momentum after Saturday’s Caucuses, Primaries

Cruz Has Momentum after Saturday’s Caucuses, Primaries

Is Ted Cruz starting to land enough punches to take out Donald Trump?


Statistician Nate Silver of the website FiveThirtyEight tweeted this late in the day on Super Saturday:

Ted Cruz won Maine by 13 points, and while he lost to Trump in Louisiana and Kentucky, the FiveThirtyEight wonks found that the gap between Trump and Cruz was much more of a squeaker than the TV networks originally thought, especially in Louisiana. Trump beat Cruz by only 3.7 points in Louisiana and 4.3 points in Kentucky.

The big Super Saturday news for Ted Cruz, however, was his smashing of Donald Trump in the Kansas caucuses. Cruz won the state by double digits, 48% to Trump’s 23%.

The actual numbers of caucus voters in Kansas are staggering.

Watching the GOP Debate with Rafael Cruz [VIDEO]

Watching the GOP Debate with Rafael Cruz [VIDEO]

This has been a Ted Cruz week here in the Kansas City area, as the Kansas caucuses will be held Saturday. On Wednesday night, I attended a…

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