Rep. Ted Lieu Acts Out Toddler Tantrum At Hearing

Rep. Ted Lieu Acts Out Toddler Tantrum At Hearing

Ted Lieu is a Congresscritter representing L.A. County in California. He assumed the seat of Henry Waxman in every sense of the word. Yesterday, at a Judiciary Committee hearing on The Importance of a Diverse Federal Judiciary, Lieu laid himself out like a two year old having an overtired tantrum.

Supreme Court Allows Full Trump Travel Ban 3.0 And The Left Loses It’s Mind, Again [VIDEO]

Supreme Court Allows Full Trump Travel Ban 3.0 And The Left Loses It’s Mind, Again [VIDEO]

Today, the United States Supreme Court upheld the law. Specifically they decided that the travel ban, which we’ve written about often, instituted by President Trump can move…

75 Years After Executive Order 9066, It’s Time To Curtail Executive Power

Today marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066, which by order of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, paved the way for the incarceration of…

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