Columnist Will Not Take Knee Before Cancel Mob

Columnist Will Not Take Knee Before Cancel Mob

On Monday, Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass received a shaming from his moral betters at the paper. First, editor-in-chief Colin McMahon moved his Page Two column to the inside of the paper. Then McMahon explained it away as something they’d been working on “for months.” But the true reason emerged: Kass angered the Chicago Tribune Guild by using the S-word. That word would be Soros.

Jim Acosta Thinks Trump Supporters are Really, Really Icky. [VIDEO]

Jim Acosta Thinks Trump Supporters are Really, Really Icky. [VIDEO]

I’ll be honest here — I don’t particularly like watching Trump rallies on TV. I keep expecting Russell Crowe to jump on stage in gladiator gear, yelling…

Why I’m Thankful That My Oma and Opa Decided to Come to America.

Why I’m Thankful That My Oma and Opa Decided to Come to America.

‘Immigrant’ seems to be a loaded word these days. It’s probably because the open borders crowd lump legal immigrants with illegals, giving them all a bad name….

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Ava Gardner