‘Dear Madam President’ New Clinton Aide Book, Same Old Stuff

‘Dear Madam President’ New Clinton Aide Book, Same Old Stuff

“Dear Madam President” is a new book by former Hillary Clinton aide Jennifer Palmieri. In this book, which I have not read, Miss Palmieri goes over old ground with the same tired complaints. That does not mean that we cannot have fun with it. Right? Yup.

Women Push Romney Into the Lead; Feminists Crushed

Romney has suddenly surged into the lead in swing states, thanks largely in part to women voters. This, of course, is just terrible for feminists, who are…

Elizabeth Edwards Stops Cancer Treatment; Cancer has Metastasized to Liver

This is sad, sad, sad. Elizabeth Edwards, estranged wife of Vice Presidential candidate John “I’m Feel Pretty” Edwards, has been informed by her doctors that further cancer…

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Ava Gardner