CBS Journalist Feels Safer In North Korea Than At White House

CBS Journalist Feels Safer In North Korea Than At White House

North Korea is safer than the White House. Yes indeed, that is exactly what CBS “journalist” Ben Tracy believes.

Kim Jong-Un Is A Dictator And Always Will Be [VIDEO]

Kim Jong-Un Is A Dictator And Always Will Be [VIDEO]

President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un, as Toni noted here, are now meeting in Singapore to discuss peace or something. We can hope for peace and…

Ji Seong-ho’s Tale of Courage: One of the Finest Parts of Trump’s SOTU. [VIDEO]

Ji Seong-ho’s Tale of Courage: One of the Finest Parts of Trump’s SOTU. [VIDEO]

Prior to the State of the Union speech, I had never heard of this young man. But after President Trump told the story of Ji Seong-ho and…

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Ava Gardner