The Miami Herald Swims in Epstein’s Dirty Swamp

The Miami Herald Swims in Epstein’s Dirty Swamp

In a desperate attempt to link anything tawdry and salacious to Trump, the Miami Herald gets itself dirty. The recent investigative piece on accused child sex abuser Jeffery Epstein attempts to link him by way of Department of Labor Secretary Acosta. Despite numerous investigations into the depth of the Trump-Epstein link, nothing has been proven beyond social acquaintanceship. That’s not to say sex-trafficker and predator Jeffery Epstein is lacking for the support of heavy weight hitters. But the Miami Herald is minimizing the strong ties to Bill Clinton, Allen Dershowitz, and other 0.001 percenters. While they all but blame then Federal Prosecutor Acosta. The day late, and dollar short connection to Trump is chump change in Epstein’s bank of protection.

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Ava Gardner