Massachusetts is a special place. Men seem to come out of there full of arrogance, but lacking a substantial soundness. C.S. Lewis called them men without chests. “Men without chests”:
In his book, The Abolition of Man, Lewis was prophetic in pointing out that relativism—the idea that there are no absolute truths—would lead to the decay of morality and a lack of virtue within society. Without a belief in and the teaching of universal moral laws, we fail to educate the heart and are left with intelligent men who behave like animals or as Lewis puts it, “Men without Chests.”
Jake Auchincloss seems to me to be one of those men.
From the You-Can’t-Make-This-Stuff-Up Department: Capitol Police arrested members of the Stephen Colbert “Late Night” show for unlawful entry. What’s especially rich is that they may have received…
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