Lois Lerner’s Subtle Attempt to Have Senator Grassley Examined by the IRS

The latest chapter in the IRS-Lois Lerner saga is making the rounds, having come to light yesterday.

Despite the IRS losing two-years-worth of Lois Lane Lerner’s emails in a computer crash, thousands of her emails have been recovered from other computers that miraculously survived the crash. In this latest episode, the House Ways and Means Committee discovered an email exchange between Lerner and an IRS employee named Matthew Giuliano that transpired in December of 2012.

A little side note here before we get to the controversy. Matthew Giuliano is one of the named parties to the controversial emails. Giuliano was a tax law specialist at the IRS from September 2009 to September 2012, at which time he was promoted to a manager position. He stayed at that job for less than a year, until March of 2013, when he was hired by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) as the Assistant General Counsel. The USCCB offices are on Fourth Street, NE, in the District of Columbia, a few miles away from the IRS building on Constitution Avenue, NW.


The proximate location of these two organizations has no bearing on the story, other than for me to make these two points:

(1) I wonder if Giuliano left the IRS because he suspected wrong-doing was happening and wanted to “distance himself” from the scandal that was inevitably going to erupt. After all, it was only two months after Giuliano’s departure that Lerner made her now infamous “apology” for targeting groups that had names inclusive of such terms as “tea party” and “patriot.”

(2) I credit Giuliano with saving Lerner’s … backside … three months before his departure (as explained below). So, in addition to the above wonderment, I wonder it Lerner should have driven the 3.5 miles up Fourth Street or hopped on the Metro red line and paid a visit to Giuliano at the USCCB to get some additional career-saving advice. And while she was there she could have gone to Confession to one of the plethora of priests available at that location. Confession can be a very cathartic experience (speaking from experience).

Now back to the scandal. There is no dearth of coverage on this story. The more conservative news media are reporting the facts about the new discovery, while the mainstream media and other left-leaning sources are hammering the more conservative media for what they say is making a mountain out of an ant-hill (not even a mole-hill).

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