Crazy and Evil: the shooter in Vegas was both

Crazy and Evil: the shooter in Vegas was both

The Vegas massacre will be, and is, being picked apart by all kinds of experts and conspiracy theorists. And we do not know why the shooter chose the location, weapons, and any of his (or his girlfriend’s) actions. We may never know. And we all are playing armchair psychologists and trying to figure out why. Because we can still have the illusion of safety if we can prepare.

About a year ago we had a random act of violence perpetrated on some random victims walking to the store, despite my neighbor’s wishes and open-carrying while walking their dogs and a period of vigilance to try and prevent this.

Random acts of violence happen. And we truly do not know what we would do (although we can strategize like we are playing risk or D&D). And that perhaps is the scariest part. First responders drill and drill and drill so it is second nature. But there is no drill for dealing with a crazy and evil shooter. And this creep was both.


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Joshua Welch, age 7, suspended for eating his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun and Weekend Links!

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