Yes, They Really Do Want to Take All Your Guns. [VIDEO]

Yes, They Really Do Want to Take All Your Guns. [VIDEO]

The Children’s Crusade — aka The March for Our Lives — really isn’t out to take all guns away from citizens. No, they just want to remove those icky “assault weapons,” even though they really don’t know exactly what they are. They just know that they’re big and ugly and make a loud pew-pew. But if you have a handgun, you’re safe.

Except, not really.

Watching the GOP Debate with Rafael Cruz [VIDEO]

Watching the GOP Debate with Rafael Cruz [VIDEO]

This has been a Ted Cruz week here in the Kansas City area, as the Kansas caucuses will be held Saturday. On Wednesday night, I attended a…

UNCONSTITUTIONAL: DC Ban on Gun Carry Overturned and Weekend Links

Washington DC is the only place in the country where no one is allowed to legally carry a gun outside the home – that is until today….

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Ava Gardner