Cruz Wins Wyoming, Trump Threatens Chaos

Cruz Wins Wyoming, Trump Threatens Chaos

As predicted by our own Jenny North earlier today, Ted Cruz has indeed won the last 14 delegates out of Wyoming.

And because she must be close to psychic, she also correctly predicted Donald Trump’s reaction.

Time for another Trumpertantrum and veiled threat.

Photo Credit: CNN
Photo Credit: CNN

“They better get going,” he urged the Republican National Committee to cheers from the few thousand people at his first of two New York rallies ahead of Tuesday’s pivotal primary.

“Because I’ll tell you what, you’re gonna have a rough July at that convention,” the Republican front-runner continued. “You better get going, and you better straighten out the system because the people want their vote, the people want to vote and they want to be represented properly.”

The threat comes a month after Trump told CNN that he thought there could be “riots” at the GOP convention in Cleveland should the establishment push for a brokered convention.

“I guess I’m complaining because it’s not fair to the people,” Trump said.

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Ava Gardner