White House To Screen Gosnell Movie Today And The Media Throws A Fit

White House To Screen Gosnell Movie Today And The Media Throws A Fit

In the midst of the many other  relevant issues going on such as the Barr revelations, two movies have been getting attention like never before. The first is the incredibly brave “Unplannned” movie talking about one’s move from pro-abortion to LIFE. The second is the movie about an abortion butcher, Kermit Gosnell, that debuted last fall. The White House will be screening it this afternoon and the media is throwing a tantrum.

From the VG Bookshelf: Gosnell

From the VG Bookshelf: Gosnell

You’ve seen the movie, now read the book. Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer will not only flesh out the events depicted in the…

“Twisting the Babies’ Heads off”: Another Gosnell in Texas

Another abortionist, this time one with several clinics in Texas, is being investigated amid charges from former employees that he, like Gosnell, murdered babies born alive.  As…

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Ava Gardner