George Clooney Jettisons Joe Biden

George Clooney Jettisons Joe Biden

Actor George Clooney is a massive Democrat fundraiser and a lifelong Democrat voter. Today, he wrote a guest Op/Ed in the New York Times calling for his friend Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 Presidential Race and for a new candidate to be named. Well after all, when you’ve lost George Clooney, there goes the money. Doctor Jill is stamping her tiny feet and shaking her tiny fists.

Amal Clooney Assists International Criminal Court Against Netanyahu

Amal Clooney Assists International Criminal Court Against Netanyahu

A panel of expert Human Rights lawyers has recommended to the International Criminal Court that they apply for warrants for certain Middle East leaders, among them Israeli…

#SonyHack: Obama Calls Sony ‘Interview’ Decision a Mistake, Sony CEO Rebukes

#SonyHack: Obama Calls Sony ‘Interview’ Decision a Mistake, Sony CEO Rebukes

They say they had no choice but to shelve it because the major theaters had backed out of its release. And now they’re punching back at the…

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Ava Gardner