Gaza Pier Gets Moved, But Will Anyone Use It Ever Again?

Gaza Pier Gets Moved, But Will Anyone Use It Ever Again?

Ever since it was first announced as a publicity stunt during the State of the Union, the U.S.-built Gaza pier has been nothing but a money pit.

The Gaza Pier Failure Was Totally Predictable

The Gaza Pier Failure Was Totally Predictable

It took less than two weeks for the Gaza Pier to fail. It was an ill-conceived idea in the first place, but the Biden Administration went charging…

Politico Reports Dems Are Freaking Out Over Biden’s Reelection Prospects

Politico Reports Dems Are Freaking Out Over Biden’s Reelection Prospects

I’ll admit, I did not have Politico writing that Democrats are freaking out over Biden’s election prospects on this year’s bingo card, but here we are. Behold…

The Gaza Pier Is Completed, Hamas Lies In Wait

The Gaza Pier Is Completed, Hamas Lies In Wait

Amazingly enough, with all the delays and ship breakdowns, the floating Gaza Pier is now completed and operational.

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