Free Market Produces Wuhan Coronavirus Solutions

Free Market Produces Wuhan Coronavirus Solutions

President Trump has called on the American free market to behave like it has in the past when the nation is faced with a crisis — pivot from business as usual to providing solutions to our needs. And, boy howdy, are we getting results!

Obamacare Repeal: Say No to Purchasing Insurance Across State Lines. Here’s Why. [VIDEO]

Obamacare Repeal: Say No to Purchasing Insurance Across State Lines. Here’s Why. [VIDEO]

It sounds like a great idea. More competition leads to lower prices. It’s the free market in action, right? President Trump is onboard with it. Don't worry,…

Massive Pay Raises Given by Seattle CEO Backfire

Massive Pay Raises Given by Seattle CEO Backfire

Tinkering with free market business principles has come back to haunt a young Seattle CEO, just as the city itself is also finding that raising the minimum…

Hawaiian Shirt Holiday:  How Free Market Triumphed Over Political Correctness

Hawaiian Shirt Holiday: How Free Market Triumphed Over Political Correctness

Early in November, as you may recall, scientists achieved an incredible feat by landing a space probe on a comet. One of the scientists working on the…

Idiot Liberal College Student: Military Discounts Aren’t FAIR!

I’m sure that as soon as you read the words “liberal college student”, you rolled your eyes and thought, “Well, duh”. I mean, the words “idiot”, “liberal”,…

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Ava Gardner