A congressional committee chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy may soon be graced with the presence of one half of the dead-broke Clintons. You see, Queen Hillary has “agreed” to answer questions on everything Benghazi, destroyed emails, and that pesky wiped server. Now I’ve never been “asked” to testify before Congress, but I imagine if I were, I’d not be given a choice to choose whether or not to show up. But then, my last name isn’t Clinton.
“What difference, at this point, does it make?” —Hillary Clinton (photo credit: Red State)
In his response, Mrs. Clinton’s attorney David Kendall wrote there was, “no basis, logic, or precedent for such an usual request,” saying Mrs. Clinton would be, “prepared to stay for the duration of the Committee’s questions on the day she appears.”
Hillary is not willing to further disclose correspondence, nor is she willing to allow a neutral third-party to inspect her email server(s).
Kendall offered the week of May 18th or a later date for Clinton’s catch all public appearance before the House Committee.
Hillary Clinton still has an email problem. Seems the woman who thinks she can’t possibly run two email accounts on one cell phone, and that the Secret…
Huma Abedin has been Hillary Clinton’s top aide and assistant for years. But now, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is now digging…
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