It’s A Man’s World

It’s A Man’s World

Ladies, and I do mean the word ladies in the sense of biological females, it seems to be a man’s world. What has happened to all of the progress made in women’s rights? You can thank Joe Biden and the cretins who voted for him.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission And Gender Identity

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission And Gender Identity

You will comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to accept gender identity in the workplace.

As Tweeters Mock EEOC Gadsden Flag Ban, Navy Allows “Don’t Tread On Me” Uniform Patch

As Tweeters Mock EEOC Gadsden Flag Ban, Navy Allows “Don’t Tread On Me” Uniform Patch

Perhaps you’ve heard about Barack Obama’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s ludicrous attempt to ban Gadsden flags in places of employment. The agency has decreed that the iconic…

EEOC Decides Gadsden Flag In Workplace Is Racist [VIDEO]

EEOC Decides Gadsden Flag In Workplace Is Racist [VIDEO]

The Gadsden Flag, a flag with a long distinguished history of defiance in face of government overreach, is in the news once again. General Christopher Gadsden, designed the…

UW-Madison Adopts Diversity-Based Grading

So much for higher education; it appears whoever’s running UW-Madison is just high, period.  Apparently it’s not enough to use race as a determining factor in admissions,…

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Ava Gardner