Gibson Fights Establishment With New Government Series II Guitar Line

Gibson Fights Establishment With New Government Series II Guitar Line

By now, most of us have heard Mr. Obama insist that no corruption exists in the IRS targeting of conservatives leading into the 2012 elections. You can…

“Bridgegate” and What the Department of Justice has Time For

The story is not over in New Jersey, even after Governor Chris Christie’s apologetic press conference yesterday. Also from yesterday, a Christie political appointee David Wildstein, took…

Eric Holder, the DOJ, School Vouchers and….Race. Of Course.

Because if liberals cannot use race as a way to continue to divide this country, what’s left?  What’s better than keeping race as the top priority in…

Obama says “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago”

In the continuing theme of race baiting that has been going on during the past week in the wake of the complete acquittal of George Zimmerman of…

Holder’s Department of Justice made Zimmerman an Enemy of the State

Before 2008 I would have thought anyone who told me that the Department of Justice (DOJ) would purposefully encourage racial hatred against a private citizen in order…

Through the PRISM-Obama’s Technological Coup D’Etat-How Tech Giants are helping Obama turn 2013 into Orwell’s 1984

I remember reading George Orwell’s masterpiece 1984 in high school and thinking, “Wow I am so glad THAT could NEVER happen in the USA”. Ah the folly…

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Ava Gardner