Tonight Is The Theatrical Humiliation Of Joe and Doctor Jill

Tonight Is The Theatrical Humiliation Of Joe and Doctor Jill

Tonight, the Democrat National Convention will “honor” Joe and Doctor Jill Biden and it will be their final theatrical humiliation. It will be a Hollywood-style production with cheering crowds and a handful of men and women wiping tears from their eyes. It will be as bogus as everything else we have seen for the last four years since Joe was installed in The White House. Five minutes after the Bidens leave the stage they will be forgotten, erased, memory-holed. Bon Voyage! It is a fitting dishonor for a couple who have worked hard to earn it.

Jill Biden: Unwavering and Empathic

Jill Biden: Unwavering and Empathic

There’s been lots of talk of “Lady Macbeth” Jill Biden over the past few days. A Vogue cover will do that sort of thing.

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Fourth of July At The White House During Snowstorm

Fourth of July At The White House During Snowstorm

It’s been snowing at the White House, as our Nina told you. That pesky bag of Cocaine apparently moved again. It was in the Library but now…

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Ava Gardner