This story is beyond shocking. In fact, it may be the most horrible thing you read all day.
Women and children are fleeing Mosul as ISIS loses its grip of terror upon the Iraqi city. Sometimes they become targets for ISIS snipers, as Jennifer pointed out this morning.

What’s even more horrifying is that ISIS will sacrifice their own children as well. Regardless of any maternal love a woman might have, ISIS expects her to take both her own life and that of her child’s. It’s all for jihad, you see.
Here is a truly shocking picture of a mother and child moments before their deaths. The mother was carrying a bomb in a handbag with her right hand, her baby held in her left.

It looked like she was among the throngs of women seeking to leave a newly liberated part of Mosul. Instead, this woman chose death for herself and her child. While it appears she had originally intended to kill the Iraqi soldiers she passed — perhaps those pictured — the bomb failed to detonate immediately. However, she still eventually killed two other soldiers and injured other civilians. Of course, both she and her innocent young baby were also annihilated.
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