Garland: DOJ Works For The American People, Pinky Swear!

Garland: DOJ Works For The American People, Pinky Swear!

According to Merrick Garland, the DOJ answers to no one except the American people. Yes, that’s the gist of his testimony before the House Judiciary committee this morning.

Hunter Indicted On Three Federal Gun Charges, Media Appalled

Hunter Indicted On Three Federal Gun Charges, Media Appalled

Well, it seems U.S. Attorney David Weiss does have a spine. Hunter Biden is now facing trial after being indicted on three federal gun charges.

Hunter Biden Prosecutor David Weiss Finally Gets Special Counsel Status

Hunter Biden Prosecutor David Weiss Finally Gets Special Counsel Status

It’s a Friday in August, Congress is on recess, Joe Biden is heading off to Delaware yet again, so naturally this was the perfect time for Attorney…

Hunter Biden Prosecutor Tries To Protect Himself

Hunter Biden Prosecutor Tries To Protect Himself

US Attorney David Weiss is stuck between a whistleblower and Attorney General Merrick Garland, and has a problem. He let Hunter Biden walk away with a sweetheart…

IRS Whistleblower Speaks: Hunter Got Kid-Glove Treatment

IRS Whistleblower Speaks: Hunter Got Kid-Glove Treatment

Surprisingly, the media is not burying the IRS whistleblower testimony regarding the Hunter Biden tax investigation. Gary Shapley, the IRS whistleblower himself, gave an interview to CBS…

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Ava Gardner